
How to overcome inner and outer obstacles – 3 real life coaching scenarios

Last Saturday, I had the pleasure to present three coaching scenarios at the "Inspiring Women Summit 2018" in Frankfurt am Main.

It was my first time to present something in the name of my own startup “Yellow Olivetree Coaching” in the public. Although I am used to speak in front of hundreds of people, via Skype or direct, I realized that it is different to speak for my own “baby”. I was excited and a bit nervous as well. The good thing on such events is: I was not alone. When I entered the very nice and warm environment of the "Co-Work and Play" it was already half gone. While asking for the organizer, to upload my presentation, I found out that there is no projector in the room.




Ok – this is so typical for me. I can’t remember one single “first time activity“ in my life, where everything just went as planned.

Well, some would have been angry maybe or shocked. In my case it somehow calmed me down.

You can name it experience or trust in my own strength. When it was on my turn, I just took a pen, a flip-chart and started drawing and telling my story.

The feedback was so good, that I decided: next time I directly skip the whole work for the presentation. I will just come as I am and speak and draw. Let’s call it “Susannes Lean Presentation Style”. But as of now I have this nice presentation that nobody saw. I thought, it is worth to share it with you. Please find below my presentation about "How to Overcome Inner and Outer Obstracles" and feel free to comment on it.


Thank you for your openness and the nice talks I had at the event.


If you like to see more, join us in Darmstadt at the bilingual (de/en) Explore Coaching Event.


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